It's been exactly 40 weeks. Tyler has finally been outside my body as long as he's been inside!!

Always curious, always nosy..

His cheeky smile lurking

His crazy laughs.. see his little teeth?
1. Weight - well, we're finally out of the bad books and managed to fatten him up enough for the doctor to not look at us like we're starving him. We even managed to jump from 1 to 4 percentile. He asked us how we did it and i may have said it a little eagerly "force feeding" and his smile disappeared and warned us it might backfire on us. *sigh*..
2. Still a bug magnet. They say breastfed babies have better immunity. But i must have wimpy milk or something because Tyler is definitely catching every single bug/virus/bacteria within a mile radius of him. Besides the virus infection on his finger, he was also down with Roseola for a week and we lost another precious 10 oz because of that!! Everybody says all these illnesses build immunity for later, i just pray it's true!
3. His crawling is getting better and faster. Though he stands up a lot and cruise around at ease, he is still reluctant to take steps on his own.
4. He's beginning to pick up little bits of food with his fingers but getting him to put it in his mouth is another issue. If it's not food, it'd be in his mouth before you can say "no". So, maybe i should dress up his food a little?? And he's finally learning to drink from his sippy cup!! Another way to sneak calories in!
5. Oohh.. how can i forget this? I think he's saying Mama!! hehe.. well, not as clear as that, but when he wants me, he mumbles "muh muh muh" continuously .. i think it's close enough!!

My precious little baby..
6. Other notable new behavior: chase his own shadow, laughs hysterically when playing, learning to give, blows bubbles, tries to give kisses(we think), gets super hyper when tired.
7. He is starting to get a little bit of stranger anxiety and refuse to go to some people. On the other hand, he has a few favorites like Uncle Damith which he never refuse.

Tyler and Uncle Damith
8. After 9 months of free and easy schedule, we are finally starting to introduce semi-fixed schedules for eating and bedtime and also a calorie target to shoot for. Not sure if it's too late to start??