We thought it might be fun for Tyler to go do some Easter related activities this year since he understands a little and can run around. In fact, he loves snatching stuff from other kids and running away with them, a skill that might be useful when it came to Easter egg hunting!!!
But was I wrong.. or what..
We met with the Contos at their Rec Center for an Easter Egg Hunt activities. There was a big Easter Bunny greeting all the kids. Alan brought Tyler to the Easter Bunny and he(Tyler) literally screamed in fear and backed off so fast we had to go catch him!

Tyler giving the bunny a dirty look... get away from me!!!
Alan said in defense, he would be afraid of a 6 ft bunny too! Bah!
Then we were off to the Egg Hunt part. The idea somehow just didn't click with Tyler. We kept saying "Tyler, look.. egg.. pick it up.. pick it up.. OK, daddy will pick it up.. put it in the basket.. basket.. fine.. daddy will put it in the basket for you too... "
So, in the end, we had a total of 1 egg. Mateo had 5!!! But i'm not competitive or anything.. hehehe..

Tyler, pick up the egg.. the egg.. "huh???"
Adam then decided that maybe we should give the little ones another chance at hunting eggs and we went somewhere where they had 2000 eggs for each age group.
Holy cow, it was a zoo!!! The mob of kids was crazy!!! And i don't care if there were 2000 eggs on the floor, it was gone in seconds!!! If only they also help clean up the house that fast!!!

Holy macaroni.. who are these people, says Tyler...

A picture of the egg hunting mob!

A family portrait..
We managed to get a few more eggs for Tyler and lay them around him to let him practice. I think he gets it a little now.. :)

Tyler with his eggs..
After all the eggs hooha, i think we'll do our own egg hunt next year... :)