There are three major peaks in Boulder Mountain Parks, Green Mountain, Bear Peak and South Boulder Peak. Due to their close proximity (8 miles start to finish) it is possible to do them all in 1 day, so Steffen and Alan got up early to hike three peaks on Sunday Morning.
6:20am: starting at Gregory Canyon Trailhead, we went up Ranger Trail then E.M. Greenman to top out on Green Mountain 8,144 feet in 1 hour 20 minutes.

A few minutes break, then down Green bear, you can see the mountains ahead of you.

Onto Bear Peak west ridge (the hardest part of the day) and scramble onto Bear Peak 8,461 feet at 9am

A few minutes rest to admire the view before crossing the saddle and heading up to South Boulder Peak 8,549 feet at 9:25. After spending 10 minutes to admire the view

Last time we visited it was cold and covered in snow we headed back down the saddle and then shadow canyon onto homestead trail to finish at 10:50am. Three peaks in 4 and a half hours is quite a workout. On the way home we discussed how much quicker we could of done it. Running it could be a lot quicker, but a good target for hiking would probably be 4 hours..