Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tyler's first trip to the zoo

Alan is home and i decided we should do something for Tyler. Since we're trying to teach him(Tyler) lots of animals and animal sounds, i thought zoo would be a good thing to try.

He seemed to really like the zoo and was jabbering like crazy while pointing to all the animals. For the animals that he knew(or thinks he knows), he made the appropriate sounds. Quite cute.. :)

First stop, measure up against a penguin...

A Malaysian bullock cart???

Aren't we sooo brave??

Errr... mom.. there is a very big bird in my way...

Tyler waving bye-bye to the pretty peacock..

Managed to grab one family photo!

Our little tinkster hanging off the rails..

Tyler and Daddy playing "Hat"
All in all, it was a nice little trip. We'll probably be back... maybe with more animal sounds... :)


eileen said...

So cute :-)

Has Tyler put on some weight? He looks like he did in these photos. (as do Alan too, LOL!)

You're looking good, Siew Gin!

siewgin_alan_tyler_cody said...

He has put on some but not very much at all. Can't say the same for Alan and I, for sure!!! :)