Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tyler's new bike

Since moving to the Philippines back in March, we've been trying to buy another new bicycle for Tyler but we didn't find any bikes that we liked and Tyler seemed to be completely not interested in it.

When my parents were here again in Oct, they mentioned that they wanted to buy another bicycle for Tyler for his birthday. So, we were out bike hunting and found one!

My parents "surprised" Tyler with his new bike on his birthday. He seemed quite happy and excited to get a new bike, but riding it was another matter. And for the next 2 weeks, we threatened, encouraged, bribed, forced, tricked and taunted Tyler to go on his bike but to no avail.

But one day, for no apparent reason, he decided that he was going to ride his bike and off he went round and round the house and even requested to bring his bike to the park. And since then, he's been riding it nearly everyday and is very comfortable on it and even brakes appropriately! He's even started a bike trend and a few of his friends bring their bikes to the park now and they tear around the park together.

Thanks Kong Kong and Po Po for the nice bike!

Tyler checking out his new bike

Out riding with daddy

Ring leader

Negotiating sharing time

Riding around with the boys

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