Sunday, June 30, 2013

Roller Coaster adventure at Lakeside Amusement

It was time to introduce Cody to roller coasters so we were happy to find ourselves some cheap tickets for a local amusement park. It is an older park and all the rides are old and creaky. But it was clean and there was plenty for the kids to go on. And for $10 per child, it was a bargain.

Alan has been training Cody to go on bigger slides and maybe that's helped him with a little bit of his fear as he had no issue getting on any rides!!

All in all, it was very fun and cute to watch the kids do all the rides. Strangely enough they both still get excited about the same rides and it's funny when they lift their hands up on some of the rides!!

After a good couple of hours of getting thrown about, we found a good Greek restaurant just around the corner which was really a treat!!!

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