My friend Halden has recently got a boat and invited us to go sailing with him. As usual, Tyler was up for it and Cody took a little convincing!
Tyler was quite interested in all aspects of sailing including set up, launching, steering, speedometer reading etc while Cody spent his time worrying about flipping over and getting wet and demanded us to turn around. But eventually he did relax a little and enjoyed the experience. He even learned to read the speedometer!
It was fun to help crew the boat, by releasing jib and changing sides to balance our boats which was quite exciting and chaotic. At some point, our kids being our kids said:
Cody: I'm not feeling very safe!!!
Tyler: Is this yucky water???
I laughed at the fact that i have wimpy kids for quite some time!
Anyways, it was a great relaxing experience until we were about to dock and suddenly, out of nowhere we were in a middle of a storm! The winds were howling and the waves were rocking us like crazy. We had to drop our sails before we got to dock. It was a good thing there was a kind man at the dock that help us stabilize the boat enough to get the kids out and scampered to dry land while i hold the boat with my dear life while Halden went to get the trailer.
We managed to get the boat back on the trailer and helped several other sailors in similar situation. I have to say, it was quite exciting!!! :) We hope to get invited back!
Tyler checking out the set up
Tyler all excited, Cody.. unsure
Boat getting launched

Nearly in!
Hitching trailer back up to car

OK they are ready!
Cody settling in

Tyler itching to steer

Group photo!

Cody and his new super tight lifejacket

Are you sure we're not going to flip??

Tyler finally gets to steer

All geeked out

Cody manning the speedometer

Our good little helmsman

OK, let's play with water..