Saturday, September 12, 2015

Visiting Elitch's with the boys

We've been waiting for a long time for the boys to be big enough to ride roller coasters. And this year, i figured it's time, so we went.

Tyler was initially very excited and gungho about riding all the big rides. So, Alan decided to see if he was all big talk and took him on his favorite ride - Twister II which is a wooden roller coaster. He went on the ride feeling super excited BUT apparently got really freaked out(which Alan said was a classic moment) during the ride and refused to get on it again. His enthusiasm was significantly reduced after the ride. We had to force him to get on Thunder Bolt and Brain Drain.

Cody on the other hands was a grumpy pants from the start and moaned about everything even when he wasn't on any rides.

Tyler was very reluctant to get on any more rides but i managed to convince him to ride The Boomerang with me. Just to make him feel better, i screamed the entire ride. He was proud to tell everybody that he didn't even scream once.

After lunch, we decided to go on the milder rides just to build their confidence back up. And they did finally start to enjoy themselves and even suggested that we rode the Pirate Boat and some-boat-on-at-canyon ride that drenched us. But they were very happy!

Cody's favorite ride that day was Ghost Blasters and Tyler's was Boomerang! All in all, a good introduction!

He's finally tall enough!!

Not quite

Going on Daddy's favorite ride

Looking quite excited.. If only i got the after pic.

I'm not so sure about this...

Tyler and I

Face of sadness after the first ride

Riding the Brain Drain

We finally made it to Elitch's

Brain Drain

Going on Ghost Blasters

Look at his scared little face.. hehe..

Big swing - Turn of the Century


Mining canyon little roller coaster

The mini tower of doom

It's lame, but they liked it

Some spinning pot thing

At the ball shooting cage.. if this was not mayhem, i don't know what i..

If you can't shoot, throwing works too!!

Tyler and I on the Pirate Boat

Our wet little boy after the Canyon boat ride

Both of them really enjoyed themselves at the end of the day

Tyler and I on The Boomerang

The Canyon Boat ride

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