Sunday, February 26, 2017

Alan Climbs Republic Plaza multiple times

For many years I have seen this event, which is to climb the tallest building in Denver, the Republic Plaza but for whatever reason there has always been a missed deadline or something on that weekend. This year I made an effort to sign up and complete it.  There are two categories, most climbs in an hour and fastest time for 1 climb (this is done after the multiple climb).

The climb is 56 floors, 1098 steps and around 600 feet of elevation gain.  Sounds easy?  Well you also have to handle the cold fan making it somewhat frigid for multiple floors, as well as other people in the stairwell.

I managed 4 climbs in the hour, could possibly have done 5, but they cut you off if you don't make it, so I didn't want to attempt the 5th knowing I had to do an individual run afterwards.

For the individual run, I managed my fastest time of 9 minutes, 53 seconds, so officially a sub-10 guy.

Tired Legs

Nice Medal

Individual Climb

Multiple Climb

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

Cannot believe you climbed all those stairs and so fast well done you look good afterwards as well. mum xx