Saturday, March 7, 2009

Skiing Key Stone

As a nice gesture to his darling wife, Alan agreed to look after our little tinks while I get to go skiing with Steffen for the day. Woo hoo!

But when I had to drag myself out of bed at 5:30 am to meet Steffen, my Woo hoo was more of a Boo hoo!! But to flake out was a price i am not ready to pay, so up I went(not without multiple kicks from Alan to get me out of bed, mind you).

A quick cup of tea later, Steffen arrived on time of course and we were on the road at 6 am sharp(just to prove Damith wrong). The drive to Key Stone was smooth and we were there waayyyy earlier than many others. After a yummy breakfast, we joined the queue for the gondola up the mountains.

It was a beautiful day of skiing(Did I mention the person asked me if i wanted a child ticket?? ha!). As it was my first time at Key Stone, Steffen took the lead on the selecting the runs for the day. I was slightly worried as I've missed out 2 seasons of skiing, but i guess skiing is also one of those things you don't forget and soon i was trying my best to keep up with Speedy Gonzalez Steffen(not very successful).

We managed to do 6 runs and multiple sides of the mountain by lunch time and I was quite happy to stop while I was ahead. Steffen did one extra one while i headed off to the restaurant and it started blizzarding! Was I glad to be inside.

After lunch, the sky cleared a little and we took our last run of the day. All my blood must have gone to my stomach, because my legs didn't really work. It was a little painfully slow for Steffen but I was happy i stayed on my feet all the way to the end!! :)

A good day of skiing makes everybody smile!!!

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