Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life without chores...

is a life worth having! :)

Our maid finally arrived this week and i've been quite happily enjoying more of my free time. It's like a god-sent good feeling everytime I walk into the kitchen, it's clean! Maybe i'm weird like that, but i hate it when my kitchen is dirty. My room can be a walking disaster and it doesn't bother me that much but my messy kitchen just puts me in the bad mood.

Anyways, Rhose is a quiet lady and seems quite good with the kids. Tyler bonded with her almost instantly which is a change from his usual aloof attitude. She's been helping me out with cleaning and cooking and sometimes entertain the kids. I still do most of the stuff with the kids like feeding Tyler, bathing and stuff.

I've been requesting for her to cook some Filipino food for me and it's been interesting. I can't say it's like awesome good, because i feel like i'm eating poor people's food! For example, i bought meat just to make spaghetti bolognese and she only used a little of it, so our spaghetti sauce was little sad and to Alan's dismay, had hot dogs in it!

Anyways, it's been a nice change since she's been here as i don't spend every bit of my spare time cleaning. Every night i even get to go for a walk in the park after i've put Tyler to bed. I figured i'd better burn off the extra calories that i didn't burn. It was crazy but i managed to get rid of my last pregnancy pounds in the last 2 weeks from just staying home with 2 kids and doing all the crazy chores. I sure don't want it to come back

So, there you go.. here's an alternative. If you didn't marry a filthy rich man, move to a poor country!

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