Monday, January 31, 2011

Cody takes the plunge

Cody and Tyler often go to the park and during the last year we have seen finally go from stationary to mobile. He still doesn't have a good understanding of stairs (up or down) tending to launch himself forwards and relying on us to save him, but over the last few weeks he has been using the slide.

He has also learnt a few signs, and really understands that if he signs 'more' then he gets to repeat what he was doing.

This comes in really useful when it comes to slides. We have a ritual where he goes down the slide, comes out the other end, signs more, gets picked up and carried to the top, rinse and repeat (for hours....)

Here is a picture of Cody in the slide with his brother waiting to help

Tyler has progressed to 'Tummy one' slides, head first, feet first and all other combinations and has finally learnt to slide down the Firemans pole (illegal in Germany I am told !!)

1 comment:

Uncle Eric said...

Daniel and David miss Tyler and Cody .... Good to see them having fun!