Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ginger Bread House party

After 9 months in Manila, i had finally gathered enough friends to have a party! And hearing about all the Xmas parties back home made me feel a little left out, so i decided to have a party to join in the fun!! :)

Since i spend most time hanging around Tyler and his friends, it's only natural that they are invited. I thought decorating the ginger bread houses would be a fun family activity. I had an initially big dream of making a gingerbread house for each family. But after making the first house, i was tempted to just make one house for the whole party!!! Instead, i compromised at 2 families to a house(which was a good decision at the end!)

At 9:30 am(wait till you have kids, you would realize this is the perfect time for kids parties), some guests started trickling in and soon we had enough people to start decorating. We gathered all the kids and they were all excited and we told them that we had to build the houses and they had to be very quiet and still or their houses would collapse. So they did! At least for 5 minutes!! And then they were off! ha! And there i thought it'd be fun for them! How wrong was I??!! Anyways, i think most of the parents that were left to finish their houses had quite a bit of fun.

Shhh.. or your house will fall!!

Not sure..

My house building partner. Roof too heavy!!!!

None of the house were quite complete. This is what parenthood does to you!

Tyler and our house

The feast.. i cheated and bought food! Remember 9:30 am party!!!

All except Tyler!!!

And here are more pictures:

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