Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tyler wins his first triathlon

This weekend, Tyler took part in his first Triathlon.  As this one was for small kids the order was a little different,  Bike, Run, Swim.

Tyler had been practicing for his race, and on the day he was ready to go and win,  he got up early, had his breakfast, dropped off the bike at the start and then went home to have milk for extra strength.

Race time came and Team Tyler was out in full support, with secondary support from team ChandraSomethings.

Team Tyler ready for the start
Tyler was in the last wave to go, (Green 13, hence his green wristband) and as they called him forward, his Daddy got ready to run and help direct him around the course, and Siew Gin got ready to dive in the pool to assist with the swim section.

At the start line
The race was started and Tyler didn't make the fastest of starts, something to work on for his next race...
Tyler - pedal faster !! - Okay Daddy

With encouragement from Daddy, he quickly pedaled into the lead and headed to the roundabout (yes we do have them here !!) to make the turn for home and to start the run

Tyler takes the lead and chases Daddy

Tyler has a big lead coming into the transition

As Tyler came into the transition, he quickly parked his bike, took off his helmet and was on to the run.  Much faster than his Daddy used to do it..

Mummy - stop taking pictures and get to the pool !!
The run covered three sides of the green, then up a hill to the pool,  Tyler showed great form as he overtook Daddy !!

I am going to catch Daddy !!
Still in the lead !!
A final dash up the hill and Tyler turned into the pool area ready to complete the second transition.

Nearly there - where is Mummy and my Noodle !!
Mummy was ready for the final swim leg..

There she is, Shoes off Tyler !!
Tyler hits the water first by a big margin.  For the little kids they can use help,  we chose the noodle as faster than putting on armbands !!

Nearly there !!
After swimming the width of the pool, Tyler was an easy winner as none of the other kids had even made it into the water

Crossing the finishing line...
Tyler got a 'Blue 1st place ribbon and Team Tyler celebrated victory

Go Team Tyler - No 1
After the race, all the kids spent a few minutes splashing around in the small pool.

Its like a giant bath !!
Tyler seemed pleased with his ribbon

Winner !!

Race Stats

Bike 1/3 mile, Run 225 yards, swim 1 width
Bike Start 10:42am
Bike finish 10:47am
Run Start 10:47am
Run Finish 10:48am
Swim Start 10:49am
Swim End 10:50am

A big thanks to the ChandraSomethings for helping us on the day, next year maybe all the kids can do it !! Also big thanks to Uncle Steffen who sponsored Tyler for the event!!!

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

congratulations Tyler Grandma and Grandad are very proud of you. Lots of Love