Thursday, July 12, 2012

PR on Expresso Speedway

Expresso Speedway is a 1 mile bike ride that is a killer.  It should be easy, you just ride for 1 mile, but all sorts of factors come into play, such as what gear, stand up/sit down.  How much power can you deliver before you have to slow down, bike inertia and so on..

It is possible to complete this ride in 2 minutes using the Expresso bikes. I on the other hand seem to have a brick wall of 2 minutes and 28 seconds.  I come close to this on many occasions but it has taken almost a year and 20 times riding this course to get my time down to 2 minutes and 27 seconds !!

Think that I need to video the ride, and see what is optimal for me in terms of gears and positioning to try and get that number down. For sure I can do the first half mile in around 1 minute, it is the second half where I slow down..

New PR by 1 second

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