Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tyler's swim team videos

This semester we were quite pleased to know that Tyler qualified for the school's swim team because he's gone quite a way from a kid who was terrified of sticking his head in the shower to a water loving kid. His confidence in water is truly heart warming for me. But, of course this is only because I'm his mom! hehe..

Anyways, i did ask the teacher what swim team is all and she said, oh they are too young to race, so we just practice strokes. And each time Tyler has "swim team" he's always very happy and he says "I love swim team because i get to swim SOOO much!"

I never got the chance to go watch his practice. So, i was so glad when Alan showed me these videos. Thought i'd share them.

I find it so funny to see him willingly practice doing strokes and he is so proud that he's the only "Little kid" in the team. Check it out, he's so tiny compared to the rest. 

This is free style, but he changed style halfway.. hehe..

Butterfly stroke!!!

Breast stroke

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

What great swimming he looks so small against the rest of the team, Grandma will have to get more practice.