Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cody and Daddy hang out for the day

Siew Gin and Tyler went skiing this morning, so Cody and Daddy got to spend the day together.

First stop was to go look for some treasure, but on the way we passed by the world biggest inflatable for car detailing.

We then walked to find the treasure, passing a lot of prairie dogs on the way who were making a lot of noise.

Next up was to check out the little gym where Siobhan and Hish were, before heading to Paul Derda to swim.

On the way, we spotted some small model aeroplanes being flown, so we stopped off again to check them out.  They are made of some sort of foam so very lightweight but very strong.

Cody's swimming has improved so much, he is easily swimming the width of the big pool now and loves jumping and diving in.  Looks like both kids will be strong swimmers

We finished the morning off with a trip to the golden arches.  We don't go there very often, so the boys always think it is a great treat.

Check out my sprayer!!

Ready to race Daddy?

Found the treasure Daddy

Watch out for the tree!

Cool planes Daddy

Ready to swim Daddy?

I've eaten everything, can I have my toy

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