Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sewing project for Dr. Seuss Birthday

Last year, i remember Tyler asking me if i can sew him a Dr. Seuss hat the day before his school event. So, of course i couldn't do anything. But this year, i actually saw a week ahead of time and decided that could be a cool and easy sewing project to do. So, i did!!

Here are the Dr. Seuss hat that i sewed for them! They were quite happy to pose with it. You can't fake those smiles!!

Anyways, Cody actually wore his hat to school for Dr. Seuss's birthday party while Tyler decided at the last minute that he was NOT going to wear it!!!! And they both had green eggs and ham!

They are such a bunch of goof balls!

And for those who are not familiar with Dr Seuss books, the hat is based on this character.


Unknown said...

Great hats well done Siew Gin very impressed Evelyn

Siew Gin Mills said...

Thanks Evelyn! :)