Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tyler completes his first 14er - Mt Bierstadt

In July 2008, Siew Gin, Uyen, Steffen and I made it to the top of our first 14er.  In July 2016, Our friend Vivek wanted to do a 14er so Tyler and I tagged along to do the same hike.

Tyler and Vivek did a great job of hiking in almost perfect conditions.  We made it to the top in 2 hours 25 minutes, and back down again in 2 hours.  Tyler thought it was easier than bear peak and I think Cody could have made it this year if we had taken him.

At the start of the trail

Resting on the way up

Some snow before the final push

We made it

Found the GPS marker

Our hike today


evelyn and patrick said...

Well done TYLER very proud of you.

Grandma and Grandad xxx

evelyn and patrick said...

Well done TYLER very proud of you.

Grandma and Grandad xxx