Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First week with the baby...

Our little zonked-out boxer!

After a short ride from the hospital, we got home to a tidy, clean house, thanks to MIL and not forgetting a bunch of nice roses and card from Alan. I'm quite the lucky girl!

But here's the low-down for the week:

1) I'm recovering well, actually ventured out on my Saturday(day 3) to go buy a breast pump with MIL. Tried not to look too hurt when the woman in the shop thought i hadn't delivered my baby. Her excuse was, "you look well for someone who just had a baby!!!". Besides i had already predicted that it would happen and mentally prepared for it.. :)

2) Tyler is adjusting well to life outside the womb. Eating, pooing and peeing well. Still a little jaundicy, but it's at a healthy level. Overall quite the contented child. But how can he not, with 3 people constantly fussing over him??

3) Alan is doing a jolly good job at helping out with diaper changing, baby cooing, and running errands. It helps that he's besotted with his son.

4) MIL also a great help around the house, with Tyler, washing up, good consultant etc. Helps me take care of my other baby too, though the constant tea-making is going to set a bad precedence for me. Alan's going to expect tea made for him all the time now...

5) Breastfeeding is going well. However, the every 2-3 hr wake up call throughout the night is not my favorite thing. But again, it's definitely more satisfying than waking up every night to go pee during the 3rd trimester.

Hmmm... I was worried about taking too many pictures of Tyler that i ended up with not very many pictures at all. I'll work on that this week.

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