Monday, December 31, 2007
Tyler's smile
Our baby has been smiling for a few weeks now and i finally sat down and took a picture of it. Here is Tyler smiling at Daddy.

New Year's Eve Eve
As all of us had different plans for New Year's Eve, we decided to do a little get together tonight. We went out for some Indian at Royal Peacock and watched a movie to celebrate our friendship for the last time in 2007.

It wasn't anything fancy but it really was nice and meaningful for me. It has been a year of beautiful friendships, new and old.

Where is Tyler? He is safely placed between Alan and I.
Like father, like son
For Christmas this year, Alan requested for a Broncos jersey and another one for Tyler, so that they could wear it together when they are watching the game.

I managed to get them in before Christmas miraculously and I thought I'd done so well. But alas, when Alan opened it on Christmas Day, he looked at me all funny and said "Chicago Bears?" (they were the same color and why would they sell Chicago Bears jersey in Denver??!!).
I took them back today and looked thru the whole rack and they all said Denver Broncos. How I managed to get one with Chicago Bears still blows me away.
Anyways, here's the pair of them watching Broncos' last game for the season.

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Our first family mini vacation
After a rather busy Christmas, we were more than happy to accept our friends, Veronica and Adam's invitation to go spend a few quiet days with them in Winter Park. They were there with their new baby Mateo for a week.
So, after 1/2 day of lazing around on Boxing Day, we spent about 1.5 hrs packing and off we went. Tyler still has much to learn to become part of our 1 carry-on item family member as he ended up with 3 bags(though he argues that the breast pump bag and diaper bag shouldn't be counted as his travel bags) and 1 gym mat.

Lunch at Base Camp Bakery
We were in Winter Park for a total of 1.5 days. On the first day, although we had good intentions to go do something active like snow-shoeing, the cold 15 F temperature did manage to put a damper on my enthusiasm. So, after a good lunch at a local bakery(though not so good service), Veronica and I convinced the guys(and Bailey the dog) to go for a snow-shoe hike, while she and I sat in the warm cozy cabin with our precious ones. Adam and Alan of course had a great time in the woods.
That night after a delicious dinner of cajun rice and sausage, Adam showed us how we can make our millions playing in Las Vegas by teaching us how to play Crabs and Black Jack. It was fun!! Alan, obviously not cut out for gambling, was bankrupt twice before we retired for the night!

Guess who's the Loser?
The next morning, after a hearty breakfast and Tyler was still sleeping, I finally got enough courage to conquer the cold. Alan and I set out for a short snow shoe hike. It was lovely to be out in the fresh snow and crisp air. The tree were covered in pristine white snow and it was so quiet all around. Reminds me of how nice it is to be outdoors again!!!

Alan, Bailey and I enjoying a nice hike thru the woods.
We got back to cabin to find Tyler all contented on Mateo's swing. After a quick lunch, we started packing up and left the Contos' to enjoy the quiet cabin on their own.
We had a really great time and Tyler, apart from freezing the first night and getting stuck under the table on the 2nd night(sneaky way of convincing us to let him sleep with us), had a great time sharing play things with Mateo. And we as over zealous parents, took great pleasure in taking pictures of them!
So, after 1/2 day of lazing around on Boxing Day, we spent about 1.5 hrs packing and off we went. Tyler still has much to learn to become part of our 1 carry-on item family member as he ended up with 3 bags(though he argues that the breast pump bag and diaper bag shouldn't be counted as his travel bags) and 1 gym mat.

Lunch at Base Camp Bakery
We were in Winter Park for a total of 1.5 days. On the first day, although we had good intentions to go do something active like snow-shoeing, the cold 15 F temperature did manage to put a damper on my enthusiasm. So, after a good lunch at a local bakery(though not so good service), Veronica and I convinced the guys(and Bailey the dog) to go for a snow-shoe hike, while she and I sat in the warm cozy cabin with our precious ones. Adam and Alan of course had a great time in the woods.
That night after a delicious dinner of cajun rice and sausage, Adam showed us how we can make our millions playing in Las Vegas by teaching us how to play Crabs and Black Jack. It was fun!! Alan, obviously not cut out for gambling, was bankrupt twice before we retired for the night!

Guess who's the Loser?
The next morning, after a hearty breakfast and Tyler was still sleeping, I finally got enough courage to conquer the cold. Alan and I set out for a short snow shoe hike. It was lovely to be out in the fresh snow and crisp air. The tree were covered in pristine white snow and it was so quiet all around. Reminds me of how nice it is to be outdoors again!!!

Alan, Bailey and I enjoying a nice hike thru the woods.
We got back to cabin to find Tyler all contented on Mateo's swing. After a quick lunch, we started packing up and left the Contos' to enjoy the quiet cabin on their own.
We had a really great time and Tyler, apart from freezing the first night and getting stuck under the table on the 2nd night(sneaky way of convincing us to let him sleep with us), had a great time sharing play things with Mateo. And we as over zealous parents, took great pleasure in taking pictures of them!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Xmas Day 2007

Our family Xmas photo
We woke up to one of the most exciting view one can get for Christmas - SNOW!! Everything was blanket in a few inches of snow and it looked all quiet and serene. Lovely!
But serenity soon broke as we rushed around getting Tyler ready, opening presents, calling family and of course cooking Christmas dinner. We shared Christmas this year with Sabrina, Hish and Steffen.
Tyler who doesn't quite understand presents yet was intrigued by the activity for a while before getting quite bored with it quickly. His present count was the highest thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Bagg, who, like any doting grandparents, showered him with gifts.

I love this pic with Tyler peeking behind the present
Despite my good intentions, my Christmas dinner was still 1.5 hrs late. We had the traditional turkey, stuffing, yorkshire puddings, sausage-bacon roll, roast potatoes, carrots, peas and brussel sprouts. For dessert, we had some mousse cakes and cream puffs(I cheated!).

Christmas dinner and our cracker hats!
After popping our Christmas crackers and sharing each other's bad cracker jokes, we tucked in. As usual, there was too much food and we were stuffed in a short time. The girls were excused to get entertainment ready while the boys did the cleaning up(very good job!!). After that was done, we played some English trivia(xmas gift) and realized we were rubbish at it!
All in all, it was a great, relaxing Christmas with family and close friends, which is what i love.
For more pictures, check out my website : www.siewgin.com
Xmas Eve

Tyler chillin' while waiting for the adults to be ready
As one of our friends, Damith was leaving for Sri Lanka on Christmas Day, we thought we'd do a mini Christmas do on Christmas Eve, Mexican style(his gf, Sabrina's 1/2 Mexican).
To do something Christmassy, we drove around where we lived to look at some ridiculously elaborate Christmas lights in people's homes. Alan who loved his Christmas lights planned the route. However, due to hunger calls, we only managed to do 1/2 the route but saw some of Alan's favorites.

One of Alan's favorite house(has a train and everything)
Due to neglect on my part of planning, the 2 restaurants that we wanted to go were actually closed(doh!!!). But we were lucky and found another Mexican place just across the street that's open!

Sabrina, Damith and Steffen
After dinner, we came back to the house and watched Love Actually as a Christmas movie to welcome Christmas as it came in.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Siew Gin's progress 6-7 week post partum
I thought having all these time at home i would do SOO much more but Tyler is so much fun to be with that I've been sorta lazy. But here's what I've been up to:
1. Cooking and cleaning - I've been trying to cook more at home and with cooking, comes cleaning. And with bottles and pump parts, I seem to be constantly cleaning. My poor hands are definitely showing signs of use!!! My best friend Terry just sent me another cook book, so I'll soon be cooking up a storm!
2. Baking - Have also tried to bake more so i have stuff to eat at home like banana bread, cookies and with Christmas around the corner, my friend Sabrina got together and baked a whole bunch to give away. Here's a sample of our cookies:

Butter cookies, Russian teacakes, sugar cookies, butter cookies with filling, and lacy oatmeal. Given away in a Red Chinese takeaway box.
3. Badminton - Am back on the court every Thursday though i can only play a few games and i am wiped out.
4. Dancing - Have been out dancing twice this week and absolutely enjoying it.
1. Cooking and cleaning - I've been trying to cook more at home and with cooking, comes cleaning. And with bottles and pump parts, I seem to be constantly cleaning. My poor hands are definitely showing signs of use!!! My best friend Terry just sent me another cook book, so I'll soon be cooking up a storm!
2. Baking - Have also tried to bake more so i have stuff to eat at home like banana bread, cookies and with Christmas around the corner, my friend Sabrina got together and baked a whole bunch to give away. Here's a sample of our cookies:

Butter cookies, Russian teacakes, sugar cookies, butter cookies with filling, and lacy oatmeal. Given away in a Red Chinese takeaway box.
3. Badminton - Am back on the court every Thursday though i can only play a few games and i am wiped out.
4. Dancing - Have been out dancing twice this week and absolutely enjoying it.

Dancing with Halden to my favorite band - Quemando
5. Getting ready for Xmas - I am happy that i'm done with my Christmas cards and Christmas letter for the year!! Haven't been doing too much presents shopping as Alan and I are doing a minimal presents this year but from looking at the pile of presents under the tree, i think i may be the only one sticking to the rule. Having a few friends over for Christmas, so, will be cooking traditional Christmas dinner and have actually finished shopping for food too! Talk about efficiency!!
Tyler's progress - week 6-7
Our little Tyler like everyone says, is growing up fast. This is what he's been up two in these 2 weeks.
1. After hearing stories about our friends' kids still sleeping with them when they are 3, Alan decided that it's time for Tyler to sleep in his own room. After 2 trial nights with the monitors, we finally felt at ease with the situation. Didn't think i would feel sad that he's not sleeping in our room but i did. But we still bring him to our room in the morning for a few hours of cuddling.

Our brave little man in his own bed.
2. He had his first real bath and many many baths after that. He likes it when Daddy gives him a bath, much faster.
3. He had his first smile!!! It is still quite elusive so, i haven't had my camera ready all the time and i didn't want to have the camera like 1 ft away from his eyes either.
4. His eyes are still grey(some still say it's blue).
5. At the last weigh-in, he was at 10 lb 9 oz
6. He is spacing out his bowel movements(TMI i know) and gave us a fright by not going for 8 days. After trying hot baths(that explains why he had so many), massages, cycling actions, i finally intervened with Glycerine suppository. Man, that thing works!!
1. After hearing stories about our friends' kids still sleeping with them when they are 3, Alan decided that it's time for Tyler to sleep in his own room. After 2 trial nights with the monitors, we finally felt at ease with the situation. Didn't think i would feel sad that he's not sleeping in our room but i did. But we still bring him to our room in the morning for a few hours of cuddling.

Our brave little man in his own bed.
2. He had his first real bath and many many baths after that. He likes it when Daddy gives him a bath, much faster.
3. He had his first smile!!! It is still quite elusive so, i haven't had my camera ready all the time and i didn't want to have the camera like 1 ft away from his eyes either.
4. His eyes are still grey(some still say it's blue).
5. At the last weigh-in, he was at 10 lb 9 oz
6. He is spacing out his bowel movements(TMI i know) and gave us a fright by not going for 8 days. After trying hot baths(that explains why he had so many), massages, cycling actions, i finally intervened with Glycerine suppository. Man, that thing works!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Our first social event without Tyler
On Friday, we went on my company Christmas Party. I was looking forward to it as it was a chance to go out with Alan as a couple and an opportunity to dress up!

Alan and I showing off our post-partum figure
Tyler had his first baby sitters - Damith and Sabrina!! I made some dinner for them and told them they could invite people over as long as we approved of them. So, Steffen came by and they baby sat and watch some DVD's. Our little tinker did get fussy on them, but they were able to calm him down alright because when we got home and we found Damith and Tyler snuggled up, looking all contented.

Our little terror with his First Baby Sitters
I had a great time at the Christmas dinner talking to friends from work and watching some people at work go ALL out to win prizes. Amazingly sporting!!!

Me and the Chicas at work!

Alan and I showing off our post-partum figure
Tyler had his first baby sitters - Damith and Sabrina!! I made some dinner for them and told them they could invite people over as long as we approved of them. So, Steffen came by and they baby sat and watch some DVD's. Our little tinker did get fussy on them, but they were able to calm him down alright because when we got home and we found Damith and Tyler snuggled up, looking all contented.

Our little terror with his First Baby Sitters
I had a great time at the Christmas dinner talking to friends from work and watching some people at work go ALL out to win prizes. Amazingly sporting!!!

Me and the Chicas at work!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Siew Gin back in badminton court
So, after nearly 1 year break from badminton, i finally played my first game on Thursday. It was great to be back and was surprised i didn't lose too much apart from stamina and physical fitness. I was quite winded from each game but totally loved the feeling to be back on the court.
I took Tyler with us and he cooperated by behaving himself while Alan and I played our games. Some of our badminton members took turns to entertain him while we were occupied. I think this might work well.
I took Tyler with us and he cooperated by behaving himself while Alan and I played our games. Some of our badminton members took turns to entertain him while we were occupied. I think this might work well.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tyler's first bath
I know, i know.. it's a little late for a first bath at 6 weeks. But Colorado is extremely dry, so I've been sponge bathing Tyler all this time. Finally thought it was time for him to take his first bath and make it onto the calendar for one of the milestones.
Alan, Armen and I spent some time arguing about what the right temperature should feel like. Tyler looked like he wasn't so sure of the whole experience but finally figured it wasn't too bad and seemed to enjoy it!
Here are some pics:

Alan, Armen and I spent some time arguing about what the right temperature should feel like. Tyler looked like he wasn't so sure of the whole experience but finally figured it wasn't too bad and seemed to enjoy it!
Here are some pics:

Monday, December 10, 2007
Amendment to Colic Entry

Well, as it turns out, after talking to our pediatrician, he doesn't think that Tyler has colic. He said infants do get fussy in the evenings from tiredness or over-stimulation during the day. And a few people commented that I obviously have not seen a colicky baby if i think Tyler has colic.
As we get to know our little fussy-pot a little better each day, we tried a few new things to try to soothe him when he gets fussy. One of them was one of the things we tried to avoid - The Pacifier. The alternative was to sit with him and let him suck my finger for hours. The only encouragement we get is he doesn't seem to like it very much. Makes the most miserable face when we try to give it to him. But my will must be stronger than his, so eventually he usually takes it, sucks on it for a while and spits it out once he calms down.
So, there you go, my baby does NOT have colic. Thanks to those who expressed concerns.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Budding Socialite

This is what Tyler says about socializing - "Thumbs Up!"
I was invited to my company's Ladies' Luncheon this week and Tyler was invited as the token-male for the event. The luncheon was really well done. Lots of food, good atmosphere. It was great to see people at work again and i was of course proud to show off my little budding socialite around. He was a hit with the ladies and hung out without much fuss with my guys at work.
Tyler enjoying the company of Mommy's pretty friends, especially Miss Ida with her gravity defying hair! ;)
Tyler hanging cool with Mommy's friends at work.
The next day, we were invited to Armen's for a Japanese potluck. Tyler once again gave us hope that our once-active social life may have a chance of coming back!!! He obligingly sat on laps and observed as everybody around him chatted and ate.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Latest adventures without Grandma
Well, it's been a few days sinces MIL left and I have been venturing out on my own with Tyler but the practice runs with MIL definitely helped. Getting out of the house still takes a while but it is getting better. Though I was still a little late for my Lactation Meeting and Momma Yoga class, i was just happy to get there at all! And we did get to lunch with my friend Ken on time!! Yoo hoo..!!
Other than that i've been working on some Thank you cards for those who came to the party and I'm proud to say i actually finished them!! I've also baked some more cookies. I figured since i'm home so much, might as well try out some new recipes.
Alan and I also took Tyler out for a brisk walk in our Baby Bjorn carrier and because it was rather cold, i put Tyler in this cutest outfit. Check it out:

Awww.. isn't the face precious?
Other than that i've been working on some Thank you cards for those who came to the party and I'm proud to say i actually finished them!! I've also baked some more cookies. I figured since i'm home so much, might as well try out some new recipes.
Alan and I also took Tyler out for a brisk walk in our Baby Bjorn carrier and because it was rather cold, i put Tyler in this cutest outfit. Check it out:

Awww.. isn't the face precious?

Sunday, December 2, 2007
MIL has left
Sunday was a sad day for us as we said goodbye to MIL. All good things come to an end. After 5 weeks of great help from her, it was finally time for her to go back to UK and for Alan and I to take care of Tyler on our own without an additional hand to hold the baby when we're busy or to change the very dirty diaper!!!
After a tearful goodbye at the airport, Alan and I stiffened our lips and walked away with Tyler in hand. Tyler who must have missed Grandma's soft voice and gentle cuddles made a big fuss that night.
Like us, he will have to wait patiently till next time Grandma comes to visit again and hopefully with Grandpa too!!

Tyler and Grandma saying goodbyes..
After a tearful goodbye at the airport, Alan and I stiffened our lips and walked away with Tyler in hand. Tyler who must have missed Grandma's soft voice and gentle cuddles made a big fuss that night.
Like us, he will have to wait patiently till next time Grandma comes to visit again and hopefully with Grandpa too!!

Tyler and Grandma saying goodbyes..
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Tyler's Full Month Celebration

Today we held a party for Tyler's Full Month Celebration. It is a tradition in the Chinese culture to celebrate the 1st month of a child's life and also to introduce him/her to friends and families.
With more than 30 people on the guest list, i decided to do the sensible to cater food from Kho's Bistro in Longmont and made some appetizers myself.
Trying to adhere to most of the chinese tradition that i know, MIL and I spent hours dyeing red eggs yesterday and wrapping them up prettily in tulle.
My friend Elaine made me some beautiful "ang ku" just for the event.
Here is a picture of us in front of a cake. Not sure that's traditional though..
We had a great time with everybody who showed up and Tyler got even more presents and red packets from some of the very nice guests. Tyler who was sleeping at the beginning of the party did wake up for a few hours and mingled with the crowd as he was passed from one adoring guest to another.
Thanks to everybody that showed up and brought presents!!!
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