Thursday, December 6, 2007

Latest adventures without Grandma

Well, it's been a few days sinces MIL left and I have been venturing out on my own with Tyler but the practice runs with MIL definitely helped. Getting out of the house still takes a while but it is getting better. Though I was still a little late for my Lactation Meeting and Momma Yoga class, i was just happy to get there at all! And we did get to lunch with my friend Ken on time!! Yoo hoo..!!

Other than that i've been working on some Thank you cards for those who came to the party and I'm proud to say i actually finished them!! I've also baked some more cookies. I figured since i'm home so much, might as well try out some new recipes.

Alan and I also took Tyler out for a brisk walk in our Baby Bjorn carrier and because it was rather cold, i put Tyler in this cutest outfit. Check it out:

Awww.. isn't the face precious?

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

I think Tyler looks great in his outfit. Love Grandma