Thursday, July 24, 2008

My err.. I meant Tyler's new toy!

I think not very deep down i'm a still a kid. I see a toy, i want it! But i'm luckier than a kid because i can go get the toy myself or even better, have a mother in law crazy enough to go bid on ebay for me! ha! Life is so much better when you like your husband's mom!!

SO, what did i want this time?? It's a Pirate Pip Pool!!

Pirate Pip Pool turned Ball Pit

I first saw this on someone's blog and thought that was the coolest thing ever! I did a long research and finally found one on ebay in UK. When MIL heard about my latest whim, she diligently and methodically bidded and won it!

I nearly took off early from work when Alan told me it had arrived and I immediately pumped it all up upon reaching home. Poor Tyler did not like the sound of the noisy pump at all. So, when i put him in his coolest new toy, i didn't exactly get the reaction i was hoping for!


Daddy tried to convince him how cool it was.

After much coaxing and stupid antics from mommy, Tyler is a little more willing to give it a chance.

To give him some slack, he was sick that day. He liked it much better when he was feeling less crummy and when there were actual balls in the boat.

Oh, this is quite fun

Oooh.. check it out .. more balls..

Yeap, keep them coming, Daddy..

Hmm... OK, i think we have enough balls now..

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