OK, by now, you've seen Tyler in his bear costume quite a few times. But this is about Tyler's Halloween experience and his REAL birthday. So bear with me(ha! no pun intended)
Oct 31st this year was one hectic day. Not only was it Halloween, it was also his Birthday AND also his last day of his day care. There was a lot to squeeze into one day.
So, in the morning, Tyler went to the daycare as usual and presented a Thank You card to the 2 teachers, who have been taking care of him since he was 3 months old. Then at about 3 o'clock i brought some cup cakes to the daycare hoping to celebrate his birthday with the teachers but they had left early.. :( and since it was an infant class, only 1 other kid could have the cup cake. Pfftthh.. Tyler wasn't exactly impressed with his cake and instead cried his eyes out hoping to get out of his high chair. So, all in all, not the most rewarding of experience. But, at least the cup cakes were good!

OK, can I get out now?

The 2 big boys in the infant room

Tyler, this is some goood cake.. yummm... says Hoku
Then we left to go to Boulder to attend the Munchkin Parade. As my friend Veronica puts it, it was a ZOO! There were gazillions kids in all kinds of cute outfits crawling all over Pearl Street Mall. Tyler also walked the few blocks and managed to try out trick-or-treat. Not sure he was all that impressed either(kinda hard to impress this kid). Addy, Damith and Sabrina was there with us and joining in the experience.

Tyler trying his hand at trick-or-treating

Tyler and Uncle Damith

OK, I am SOOOO done with this stupid hat.
Here are some samples of what i thought were good costumes that day, i just hope i don't get kicked out of blogspot because of it!!

I thought this was soo cool..

You think the front is bad, wait till you see the back!!! (not posted, you perv!)
After about an hour or so, we left and Tyler and I went to Mateo's house to join him for yet another trick-or-treat outing. This time it was more of the traditional, ring-door-bell-shouting-trick-or-treat kind. It was a beautiful, warm night. Even I, enjoyed it. Probably because i've never done it and I'm a sucker for such things. By the time we went round the block, Tyler finally understood the concept of picking up a candy and putting it in the bag.

Tyler and Mateo..

Mateo all excited to see Tyler
We took some pictures and then after a quick dinner, we went home and Tyler was out for the night while i plowed out to prepare for his party the next day.
I have to say, it was a little too hectic even for me. Better planning next year!