Monday, November 10, 2008

Life of a single mom

The lack of blogs usually is indicative of the lack of my leisure time. As I haven't even blogged on my son's first birthday, that means, busy-to-the-point-of-exhaustion busy.

The reason is because Alan has been away for over 3 weeks and counting. Bloody hell, indeed!! So, I'm home alone with Tyler, who although cute, is proving to be quite a lot of work!! Now, I definitely have a much deeper appreciation for women(or men, I guess) who do this single-working-parent-but-still-have-a-life thing full time.

As for me, I am grateful that I am surrounded by good friends who takes turns coming over to my house to help me out or simply having a meal with me so i don't go completely insane!

Thanks, you guys!


Damith, Sabrina & Siobhan said...

Alan has been home for a few days updated blogs?! ;)

siewgin_alan_tyler_cody said...

Give me a break, only 1 day lapsed since he returned! I did blogged, just didn't get published yet!