Tyler had his birthday party on Nov 1st. As I was going to be doing the party by myself(Alan was in China), I decided to keep it simple and got everything catered, even though it killed me that i couldn't bake my son's cake!!
As the party was going to be at 1 pm, i did most of the decorating the night before. It was well after 3 am that i was finally done with tying ribbons on utensils, sticking pictures of my "Wall of Pictures", tidying up the house and arranging those darn streamers!!

My utensils - what do you think? OTT?

My "Wall of Pictures" - pictures of Tyler from each month
In the morning, Steffen came by bright and early with balloons in hand and helped with the rest of decorating and cleaning like raking the leaves and sweeping my deck! (Single girls.. this is the guy you are looking for!!! Call me if you want his info!!)
Steffen and Tyler helping out with balloons

He cleans, he decorates and he's even bendy!!!
And the end result, Ta-da!!!
My catered food..
And we're ready to party!!
Anyways, OK, i'll start a new blog on the actual party!
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