Saturday, August 22, 2009

Four 14'ers in 1 day

There are 4 fourteeners within walking distance of each other (Democract, Cameron, Lincoln, Bross), only problem it is close to Fairplay, CO, which requires a two hour drive each way and for some strange reason a 3:30am start today...

Looking at the profile, this should be pretty easy but I found it tough going today, perhaps because the first mile is quite hard, and the last one.

Here are some pictures from the top of each 14'er..

We started from the trailhead at 6:20am, and made it to the top of Mt Democrat at 7:40am

After stopping for a few minutes we descended the saddle, and then climbed back up to Mt Cameron at 8:53am. The winds were pretty strong making it cold today

A quick hike along the side of the mountain took us to Mt Lincoln at 9:18am
Then a long hike to the next mountain Mt Bross at 10:03am
Then a long hike down the mountain to finish at 11:18am, 2 minutes under 5 hours !!

I really enjoyed my victory coke today

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

Congratulations to you both you both looked realy relaxed but it must have been hard going.