Saturday, July 17, 2010

Finally baking

After being here for 4 months, i've finally gathered enough courage to light my gas oven to bake some stuff. The lighting part still freaks me out and my maid still claps each time I successfully light it!!

One of the things that is almost on my list every week is bananas and each week i throw half of it away coz in this heat, you can't eat the bananas in time!

So, the only solution to this banana situation is banana bread, which i love. I usually bake a loaf, give half of it to my maid to take home and take a few days to finish the rest.

Banana bread.. yumm...


eileen said...

Yumms.. my hubby loves when we have extra bananas and I make banana bread too :-)

Sabrina said...

I think I may have to let some bananas 'rot' so I can make some banana bread too soon! :)