Friday, November 18, 2011

Kumon Update - 4A completed

Almost two months to the day since Tyler completed Kumon 5A, today he took his 4A test and passed with 96%.

His progress has slowed a little as it gets harder, but now he is actually reading small stories by himself and recognizing many words.

His writing is still messy, but is getting better each day, as his teacher said "Good job Tyler"

4A Completed

Here are the details of the 1st few levels

7A In the first level of the Kumon Reading Program, beginning readers build a sight word vocabulary through enjoyable "look, listen and repeat" exercises. Large, colorful illustrations help students grasp the connection between spoken and written language. Parents can help motivate children by reading with them every day.

6A Students continue to build a sight word vocabulary, adding longer phrases and more advanced words. Students begin to recite familiar words from memory in preparation for the transition to phonics study in Level 5A.

5A Phonics exercises help students learn individual letter sounds and consonant-short vowel combinations. Students increase concentration, improve hand-eye coordination, and develop writing skills.

4A More sound parts, including consonant clusters, are introduced. Students trace words and begin freehand letter writing by filling in missing letters within words. These exercises, as well as exercises that focus on rhyming words, help develop students' spelling skills.

3A Students develop greater pencil control by writing properly proportioned and spaced letters within box guidelines. Students develop their ability to read longer words through exercises focusing on syllables. Spelling skills are developed throughout the level, and for the first time, students demonstrate reading comprehension through matching exercises.

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