Saturday, August 11, 2012

Museum outing

It was a free day at the museum and we thought it'd be nice to go visit it again. Mateo and Adam joined us. We went thru the dinosaur gallery and the kids had fun in the space section. I'm not so sure if they understand all that they are seeing yet.

I've never been to the gem gallery and found it to be quite nice.

Here are some pics:

Alan and the kids at the dinosaur gallery

Tyler flying by the dinosaurs

Tyler and Mateo participating in an experiment

They were very into this mud tub

Even Cody who is usually squeamish about such stuff was enjoying it

They were in awe of the space woman in Mars

The board full of pins.. 

Cody checking out his health

A ride on the wolves before we headed home..

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

This brought back happy memories