Monday, October 29, 2012

Our last Harvest Party

We had our first Harvest Party in 2004 and since then we've had one nearly every year. I think we missed 2 years. We've gone from a 4 person party to a group of 25+. Every year, i try to incorporate new faces and thru the years, it's been a fun event for us! I remember Halden was the person who invited me to my first pumpkin carving party and it was sooo fun that i wanted to share this fun experience with as many newbies as i can.

But with the toll of two crazy kids and the proximity of their birthday to this party, as i was racing around getting stuff ready, i decided, that i would give this party up for somebody else to host. :)

Anyways, this year's party we had about 25 people again and to make my life easy, i decided on a Panini and Soup party thinking that if i can get the guests to make their own food, i could go to bed early!! It was relatively effortless but not as easy as i thought it would be! :) And what would i have done without my best helper Diana!! 

Panini party turned out to be quite fun and i learned to make chicken noodle soup and tomato soup!! We managed to get 11 carved pumpkins that night and once again a first timer won the competition. This is what usually makes it fun because the first timer are usually quite excited to win! 

My best helper, who by the way, is my only punctual friend! 

Managed to set up a craft table which interested the bigger kids

The spread

Sapna and her fancy wild mushroom pesto panini

Jim and his mayo on the outside idea

Melting deliciousness

So Asian!!!

My panini

The boys helping daddy out with pumpkin cleaning

Our lovely little princess(luckiest little girl on earth)

Tangkwa with her winning design

The little ones making their mini pumpkins

Some of the designs

More designs

One of the Marker boys. Will work on differentiating them next year!! 

I was happy with the way the party went and this was the first year we didn't do the corn maze which was a good idea now that there are so many little kids in our lives. I know i felt more relaxed for sure!!

With that, i think it was a good conclusion to The Millsers Harvest Party series!


Sabrina said...

What? No more hosting harvest parties?!?! Say it's not so!

Siew Gin Mills said...

:) Time to give up some parties. Can't hog all of them!! The next few years will get more fun when the children can join in.