Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kids Birthday Party

By now, Tyler's had 3 birthday celebrations!! But this was our usual group party. And for once i thought it was about time to make it more kids friendly as the kids are almost ready to be interactive.

I abandoned my usual focus on food(which i catered) and focused a little more on kids activities like games, crafts etc. They were partially successful, but it was good enough for the first try! :)

Our usual crowd came to wish the kids and most people were sporting enough to humor me with the games, which i was thankful. But i gotta up the family competition a little!!

I think it was a good and fun day and the kids were happy to have everybody come and celebrate their birthdays with them!

The kids making their picture frame

Maya with her beautiful frame

The Markers with their toy story outfit!

Sienna doing the memory piece

Potato sack race for the big kids, Tim was our token adult


The adult category, one representative from each household(Matt!! ha!!)

Matt all competitive

Everybody trying their best at the finish line!!

Little kids event, won by the Marker boys

The Mommy event

Balancing chores, running after kids and ends with a bang!! 

Hish and Addy took time off packing to wish the boys!

The spread

Dessert table

Cody mixing the outfits!

Tyler and his cake

Cody helping with blowing the cake

Cutting cake

Cody's turn

Secretly pleased with everybody's attention

Cody feeling quite happy

The kids surrounding him

Cutting his cake

The kids and their cakes

Sophia's VERY cool outfit!!

Cody finally agrees to do the memory piece

Hoping to start a new tradition

Few kids left.. finally get to explore the toys!!

Cody and his super hero cape!!!

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