Thursday, December 6, 2012

2012 Winter Concert

Now that the boys are in the same school, we can finally attend the same Christmas performance. As always, Alan and I go in to these shows with quite low expectations but we were pleasantly surprised that both of them actually did stuff - sang their songs, danced and all! Tyler even had a speaking part(though he did choke a little on it)!!

Here are some pictures of their performances:

Tyler and his classmates waiting on stage

Cody and his classmates waiting

Everybody having a good time

Cody was up first

Then it was a group song

Then Tyler's class was up

Tyler doing his dance

This is during the performance.. maybe they should have let them have it during practice!!!

Tyler saying his lines

Final song

Both boys in the picture!!

At the end of the performance, when we went to get them and praised them, Cody was demanding for his rose!! haha! What a diva!! So, I had to go get them their roses!!!

Me and my polar bear

Hmm.. this is all i get for all that singing??

And as most parents know, even if the kids never did anything, they are still so cute!! But this was probably our best ever!!

And here a video link to part of the performance. Watch for Cody sticking his hands up whenever it's near the end of a song!!

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

Grandma and Grandad have watched the vido many times you were both great. It was lovely seeing both Tyler and Cody on stage together.