Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hair Cut day again..

Since we had a little bit more time after our tree hunting trip, we stopped by the hairdressers to get the boys' haircut before we went to go see Santa! It was a little local place near our house and it was a bargain $8!! Woo hoo!!!

When we got in, it was a one-woman show and even though the whole place was a little run down, they had a seat in the shape of a car!! It's been quite a while since we visited one of those fancy places hair cut shops that charges an arm and a leg, so the boys got quite excited!

So, i don't know if this place just has a small car or the kids have grown. They looked like giants in the car, which of course, amused me no end!!


Cody looking dubious!!

And for once they kids got a decent hair cut!! So, i like this cheap place!! :)

p.s. I didn't get a picture of the "after" haircut. Just look in the next few blogs!

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

uandlHave they grown or are the cars getting smaller?