Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Skiing with Tyler at Winter Park

Tyler and I got season pass for skiing this year and i thought i'd make a little more effort to make my purchase worthwhile. So, this weekend, i had to drag myself out of my comfy bed to drive 3 hrs to Winter Park, so that Tyler can improve on his skiing!!

But it turned out to be a an awesome skiing day with blue skies and warm weather. We skied hard for about 3 hrs before we took a lunch break and after a quick lunch, we did our final long run before heading home. It was a rather short day but i wanted to get out of there before the return traffic started. I am liking this short skiing day routine and may do a few more of these.

For this trip, we managed to hit a few more slopes and tried quite a few long runs and even some blue ones. Tyler is getting more confident about his skiing but his technique needs to be refined.

Beautiful day on the slopes

p.s. I didn't know this, but Tyler apparently really loves skiing because he wants to be a skier when he grows up. Just a skier, not an Olympic skier because that is apparently TOO hard!! BUT, if Cody is an Olympic athlete, then he wants to be an Olympic skier!!!

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