Monday, February 9, 2009

My 33rd *gasp* Birthday!

I can't believe i'm 33! It sounds SO OLD!!

Anyways, last week was a crazy week of hectic work and single-mom-hood. So, by the time, Friday rolled by, I was really looking forward to doing nothing. So, I didn't do much planning for my birthday. In fact, on Saturday, i even forgot that it was THE day and got ready for work. What a dork, i know!

After feeding Tyler(always a joy!!), as I was cleaning up, i heard the doorbell go and was nicely surprised by Damith, Addy and Sabrina. They even brought coffee! This is what i call service! I had marching orders to get changed and get into the car. No questions! Didn't stop me from asking though.. hehehehe.. The best part was, Tyler didn't even get to come. Damith was babysitting! Now, that's a treat!!!

I was then treated to a relaxing pedi and mani session where i decided to be a little radical and went for bright blue nail polish!! Why not?! I was quite pleased with it! Addy went with some fiery red and Sabrina went for subtle purple(boring!). We looked like the american flag with a tinge of purple!

Pics of our nails!

After that, we went for a spot of lunch at Le Peep, which was very satisfying before we headed home to relief Damith. We found them cuddling on the Love Sack. So cute!

Tyler and baby whisperer Damith..

The rest of the day, I spent feeding and playing with Tyler. We even made it out to the park!

Tyler checking out the other kids at the park

Soon it was time to get ready for my big "surprise" party(i found out about it). The babysitter(Tyler's daycare teacher) came by and after a short briefing, i was out the door. We went to celebrate at a Chinese Restaurant where Addy works. There were about 15 of us and as always the usual banters and goofing about kept me well entertained.

Group picture

My lovely cake

I was even presented a nice cake with endless candles(they must think i'm much older) and some very lovely gifts like a Coach gift certificate and even matching bowls!!

And to satisfy my other love in life, they then took me to La Rumba for some salsa action. Salsa dancing that is! They had a live band and i danced the night away. At some point of the night, the group decided that we should all do Tequila shots. I even thought i could do 2!! All I have to say is, dancing drunk takes up lots of compute power!!!

Our first shot..

And our second..

At La Rumba

We left after La Rumba closed and headed off to my house so that my babysitter could be relieved. I don't remember much after that, so if you want the whole story, you should ask those who were awake.. :)

Anyways, i just wanted to thanks all my friends for making my birthday such a fun one!! Here are some pictures!


Benjamin said...

Sorry we missed your b-day! Looks like it was fun. I thought you were like 40 though. ;) (kidding)

Alan Mills said...

Tyler looks like he is from Tibet