Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day party

Happy Valentine's Day !!

As Alan is away, and our group consists of a bunch of Valentine's Day misfits, i thought it'd be fun if we did a group Valentine's Day. And also Darshan had promised us that he'd cook us some yummy dosas. So, two birds with one stone sorta deal.

So, a very last minute e-vite went out on Friday and by Friday night, i had 6 people attending, so i thought pptthh.. so much for trying. But by Saturday morning, we had 13 people and at the height of the party, we had we had 20 people + 1 dog that night! However, only 1/2 showed up in red as requested.

Co-host Darshan and my two step-in babysitters!

Those who showed up in red!

Darshan's yummy dosa turned out to be outstanding and everybody were having seconds and thirds. He also made some lamb meatballs and curry chicken and chutney. All fantastic!

Our own dosa maker

We spent most of the night making fun of people's accent and inability to pronounce "r"s and "l"s. Eiko, my Japanese neighbour being there made it even funnier. After most of the party light weights had left, we started our midnight movie - The Slumdog Millionaire which was very good. My favorite part - the kid jumping in for the autograph! After that ended, the hardy ones decided to start movie no. 2 which was when i bid everybody goodnight. Hey, I'm the single mom!!!

Only 1/2 the guests..

In the morning, i woke up and found a few more stragglers in the house and we had some breakfast before calling our "dosa maker" back for a repeat performance. We decided that lunch would be good and most of the hardy party-ers made it back for dosa that day. It was THAT good.

So, all in all, since i had guests till about 5 pm on Sunday, i'm happy to announce that i've hosted a 24-hr party(more like 23 hrs, but close enough!) and filled with awesome food and good times!

Thanks to Darshan for such a treat!

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