Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our little drummer boy

I've always wanted to buy Tyler a drum set, but never found a good one to buy. Today while i was shopping in King Sooper, a drum set caught my eye and the price was even right - $12.50 and i was sold! And besides, it'd be his Christmas present!

When i got home, i asked Tyler if he wanted to open the box(praying that he will say 'yes', of course) and he did!! I know it's not Christmas yet, but what's the difference in a few days.

While assembling it, i wasn't sure who was more excited and it turned to be awesome!! Even has a foot pedal and everything. Check it out!!

Tyler trying out the foot pedal

A tap on the cymbal

Because it had a foot pedal and 2 drumsticks, I was relatively surprised how fast Tyler was using his foot and both hands. Quite good hand foot coordination!!

In full action!!

Tyler thought the drums were great! But he did feel that it needed a little something to make it awesome. So he stuck a fork on the cymbal!

His pink fork decoration

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