Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shoe Salon

You've guessed it! Another one of Tyler's school activities. I'm not actually sure how much learning takes place in his school. It's no wonder my kid can't count or recite his ABC's!! Just a note - I'm only joking when i make such comments. I don't really care about his 123 or ABC. I just want him to be a kid! He's got the rest of his life to go learn them.

Anyways, Tyler's class was doing a shoe salon as part of a fundraiser. Though I thought it was a really cute idea, my main interest was to see Tyler work! ha! So, Alan, Cody and I all went to get our shoes cleaned to show our support.

They teacher's had set up their shoe cleaning station on the hallway to the school. It was quite adorable i must say to see all the kids sitting on their little bench waiting to do some shoe polishing!!

Cody showed his support by getting his foot cleaned

Soon, it was Tyler's shift to get on the floor. Take a guess, of all the little kids, whose kid had to get all suited up like he's doing a brain surgery to polish shoe?? Yeap, our kid!

I need my gloves and mask, please

Dr Tyler to the floor, please

Tyler getting started on my shoes

Then it was Daddy's shoes

What do you mean you're paying us peanuts? We're not monkeys, u know!!

Anyways, there wasn't really a lot of cleaning but more kids monkeying around. But apparently Tyler was one of the good cleaners and cleaned lots of shoes. But he had to have gloves on!!

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