Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tyler is 1000 days old!

Alan was particularly excited about Tyler turning 1000 days old, so i thought i'd take the opportunity to do an update on that little tinker!

And i think this photo best describes him. Cheeky and full of mischief all of the time!!!!

1) He pretty much fully speaks now. He is using prepositions but still gets "I, my, he, she, him" a little mixed up. But at least he's starting to use them. He'll say things like "Where is him?"

2) And like all kids who started talking, he babbles non-stop all day and all night. Most of the time really loudly! He also likes to sing though he can't actually carry a tune or sing a full song. Most of them time, he sings part of a song or just makes it up about what's he doing at that moment, like "I'm at Aarav's house.. Aarav's house..".  I practice singing a few songs with him each night before he sleeps.

3) He is FINALLY sleeping in his own room and even goes to sleep on his own!! Woo hoo!!! I went thru intense sleep training with both kids after we got back from England but only managed to train Tyler. His sleep routinely currently is bathe, put on jammies, brush teeth, read books, lights out, sing songs, (if i'm lucky, he tells me he loves me more more more!!) and then i leave the room and he tells me not to lock the doors(which i don't).

4) His weight, of course, needs an update. During our last visit to his doctor, he was at a healthy 20th percentile and the doctor told me to stop obsessing! ha! Well, what he doesn't realize is Tyler didn't get there on his own!!! Currently he hovers around 30 lbs.

5) His eating although is still a slight struggle daily is a lot better where he usually willingly climbs on his chair during meals and most of the time finishes whatever that's on his plate with TV on and me feeding him. It's not ideal but it works. I've been working on giving him whatever i'm eating for that meal to help accept more food, so that eventually, he will just eat whatever i'm eating, which is EVERYTHING! :) It still takes about an hour for the major meals like lunch and dinner but breakfast and snacks are much faster!

6) He's very active and is constantly on the move. He enjoys going to the park and is quite good at kicking a foot ball. He has also gotten quite good with T-ball!

7) He's usually very shy with strangers and is usually at his quietest moment. But apparently he has a few friends that he plays with in school and they are mainly boys. Aarav is probably the closest friend he's got.

8) Although he seems bright in other ways, he doesn't seem to want to learn his 123s or ABCs. Either that or he's just trying to wind me up coz this is how he counts. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10!! And if you ask him how many things are there, his answer is either 1(when there is 1) or 2(when there is more than 1)!!! He also apparently very good at tracing, but writing on his own is another story!

9) He seems to have developed a healthy dose of affection for his little brother though sometimes he's still rough with him. He often thinks of Cody and often gives him hugs and kisses. He seems to think he's got authority over him and often tells Cody off! It's so funny coz he sounds just like us!! These are things he says to Cody.
a) Stop it, Cody. Stop it please!
b) Don't touch it please, thank you!!!
c) Come on, Cody.. come on, Codester!! (clapping his hand to encourage his little brother)

10) He mimics a lot of our speech and it's hilarious! He has picked up "Omigod" from me and "Oopsie-daisies" from Grandad!! And he seems to remember who said it first like if i say to him "it's not a toy!" he will tell me "Grandad says it!!!"

11) And yes, he is potty trained. He finally got it after the 1st two weeks at school which was back in April!

1 comment:

eileen said...

Great job Mommy and Daddy!
Tyler is growing so well and seem to be such a bright boy :-)