Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kumon RIF Morning

Tyler and Cody went to Kumon this morning, but for once Tyler didn't have to read and Cody didn't have to wait for him.

The center was hosting an open house for children and Tyler got a chance to have someone read him a book for a change.

Stone Soup

Daddy, Read to me as well !!

Just one more book

Over the last month or so Tyler has been reading more and more on his own and we often find him showing Cody the book and Cody learning the words (in Codys case more memorization I think)

Currently Tyler is enjoying Best Baby Ever and Cody is always asking for Tyler to read it out loud.

Reminds me of how we used
to have to act to make Tyler eat


eileen said...

seriously, your brilliant child is putting my daughter and myself to shame. Worst parent ever!!!

eileen said...

seriously, your brilliant child is putting my daughter and myself to shame. Worst parent ever!!!

Siew Gin Mills said...

What? Don't be silly!! You are my role model!!