Friday, January 18, 2013

Asian Sweat Shop

That's what came to lots of people's mind when they saw this picture!!

But really, it's just my new hobby for the year! Sewing!!

Cake decorating had been such a fun hobby for last year that i feel that this 2 hobbies per year scheme can actually work. So, after talking to a few friends about useful hobbies, i found Uyen was also interesting in sewing, so i thought, why not?! And we invite Tangkwa to make the minimum number for the class!

The first class was very exciting that we got to learn all about the sewing machine and even got to sew some lines! We were all very excited and it was a fun girls' activity, and we get to learn a new skill, to boot!!!

Anyways, the next few weeks should be quite exciting and Uyen and I even came up with some challenges to make it fun. Each week, we have to get the cheapest and nicest fabric for our projects!! Oooh.. can't wait!!

With 3 asian students, it's going to be tough competition!!!

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