Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Millsers learn to plant

Unlike Grandma's house, our household is not known for green fingers. But i thought it's a fun kids activity that we can do and it's exciting to see plants grow. So, i had put this on the kid's birthday wishlist and somebody else must have thought it was cool and bought it! :)

We were supposed to do it when the grandparents were here but we couldn't find the seeds. But anyways, we found it and thought we'd do it one night. The kids seemed relatively interested in the activity and let's hope we get some plants from this! We might have to fake some growth otherwise!

And of course we have competitions.. 

And here's a video of the planting

p.s. Note to self, don't use the iphone to take pictures, they are not very good!!!!!

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

Loved watching the seed planting. What kind of seeds were they?