Friday, May 17, 2013

A few more cooking classes.

I took a couple more cooking classes in April and May. The first one i took was a tart class which was a little bit of disaster. First, the instructor forgot to turn on the oven and then when she had turned it on, she completely burnt our strawberry and rhubarb tart. Still, i did learn some interesting(though not proven useful tips) on making a nice flaky crust.

The 2nd class i took was a fish cooking class. I'm always afraid of over cooking fish and haven't tried too many fish recipes. The class though interesting wasn't too useful in the sense that they didn't concentrate too much of the fish cooking technique. But i was teamed up with the cutest father-son team and had a great time!!

Fun team mates makes a bad class fun!

And the last class was a grilling demo which demo'ed cooking using cedar planks as well as salt slates which i found intriguing but again, i felt the class was slightly lacking.

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