Friday, March 13, 2015

Ski Winter Park with Tyler and Addy

Tyler and I have been skiing quite a bit this year and since Addy was going snowboarding with some friends from CA, we decided that we could go ski together and see if we can break her record of 1 run per day! Ha!

It was the most gorgeous day and we left early-ish and got there in good time. Tyler was having a fantastic day on the mountain that day and wanted to go fast all the time(for a change). Addy was a little rusty on the board but managed to end her day with 3.5 runs! 

Here's a video of Tyler and my pathetic effort of trying to catch him. Please excuse all the swearing and screaming. If you were skiing fast with one hand holding poles and the other hand precariously holding a phone, you'll scream too!

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