Monday, March 17, 2008

Tyler 20 weeks update

My baby's grey-eyed days officially over...

Our Tyler is going to be 20 weeks old this week. So here are some updates of his recent development(or non-development in some cases)

1) Our skinny monkey has not reached 14 lbs as of last Wednesday. But the doctor doesn't seem too concerned as he is not skin and bones. He just said we should try to feed him more if possible(as if we've been holding back!!). To make things worse, he's developed a serious disgust for formula milk which we use to supplement to try to boost his weight gain. I'm too weak willed to force it down him, so Alan is on formula duty these days.

2) Also to help with his weight, we have started him on solids which made me very pleased. I'm all about developing his variation in food. He doesn't take very much of it yet. Seems to get fed up halfway thru the feeding. I can't believe i have a kid that doesn't like to eat!! What a disaster!!!!

Tyler getting his first taste of solid food but unfortunately he seemed much more interested in the bowl

3) He is grabbing better and is reaching for items out of his reach.

4) Alan is quite determined in getting his son to sit and stand as soon as possible, so he's getting lots of practice in.

Tyler during one of his sitting up practice sessions..

5) He's "found" his feet according to Alan. I never quite understand this whole finding hands and feet business.. how is finding something that's on you an accomplishment??

6) He taken to talking REALLY loudly. Every morning he'll babble away at the top of his lungs from the time he wakes up(quite annoying when you're trying to steal a little more sleep) till when he's going to the daycare. Then he usually just falls asleep in the car. We took him to the restaurant this weekend and he was going on on his own like he was singing(but no tune). There goes our hope of sneaking into a movie theatre with a quiet baby!!!

7) He also seems to interract better and tries to kiss his mommy. I think he's just trying to put my head in his mouth.. :)

My baby and I

8) He seems to be also interested in books. Here is a cute picture of Damith and Tyler. I got a real kick watching Damith reading to him. It was so adorable.

Damith and Tyler reading

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