Monday, March 22, 2010

A little update..

I was going to do some crazy updates with cute pics of the kids, but it turned out my stolen wifi connection is TOO slow for picture uploads, so, i'll do some writing instead.

We've moved into our apartment 5 days ago which is located in Makati. It's quite a large apartment and is across from a nice little park. It's surounded by lots of restaurants which are just waiting for me to go try. The few that i have tried have been quite good.

We've been busy the last few days doing shopping, trying to get the house functional. It was quite lucky in one sense that we saved a whole bunch as there was a big sale over the weekend, but i managed to lose my purse during the whole extravaganza. Not sure our savings were enough to cover what i lost!!! :( But it was a learning experience for me and my mom and I were shown the true uselessness of Philipino administration system. My advice, don't lose your purse!

My parents who were so kind to accompany me and my 2 crazy kids to Manila have left for home yesterday leaving me to fend for myself without a maid. Today was my first day and i have to say, it's gone over quite well. Tyler was on schedule for all meals and bedtimes and we even made it out to the park where i met a few mothers and even got invited to a playgroup. Woo hoo! We'll see how that pans out.

But it's definitely harder without the extra hands to get my meals ready or to take Tyler out for a bus or jeepney rides. :) Tyler obviously misses them like crazy and still asks for Kong Kong and Po Po from time to time.

During the last few weeks of transition, Tyler's eating has probably been affected the most. He basically stopped eating for a few weeks and i had resorted to liquid diet just to keep his weight up. We've taken him to a local paediatrician and seems to be doing much better with some appetite enhancer. He has finally started to eat solids again last week but we have to continue to work on the volume.

Cody seems to have coped with the transition well and weighed in 14 lb 12 oz two weeks ago at the clinic.

Alan's job is keeping him busy and he tries to run everyday to keep himself fit.

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