Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thumb prints for the kids

Have you ever tried to take a thumb print for a 5 month old? Well, i did this weekend. For some reason, i found it extremely funny and my friends know that once i start cracking up, there is no turning back!

So, this is how it looked like. I was holding Cody and was in stitches laughing while Alan who was getting frustrated at my ridiculousness was trying to pry Cody's little fingers so that he could get it onto the stamp pad and onto the paper(which was nothing much more than a blue smudge). To top it all, Tyler was on the side snapping pictures like a little paparazzi!

Here are some to Tyler's work:

Tyler's still not good at getting his finger out of the lens..

I was laughing soooo hard...

Tyler had to have a turn at the finger prints too..

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

I miss your hysteric laughing!