Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The 4th little pig...

built his house out of corrugate cardboard! (actually their mom did).

To encourage creativity and all that good stuff, i bought the boys a house that they can play and decorate. So, on Saturday morning, after they've cleaned up their toys, I finally assembled the house for them.

They weren't too interested in the building part but they definitely had fun checking out all the doors and windows.

And after a while, i broke out the marker pens and encouraged them to draw and write their names. Sadly to say, our kids also inherited our zero-talent sense of creativity!!

And since they were having such a good time, i decided that it was safe for me to cook lunch while keeping an eye on them. So, why was I not surprised when i stepped out 10 mins later to be greeted by a green-hand monster and an equally oranged-hand monster wannabe??

Look Mom, i painted my hands green!!!

It's actually quite spacious inside! :)

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