Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kids' car collection

I was doing some cleaning up of the kids toys and since i always complain about how many cars they have, i decided to count how many there is so i can quantify it!

It was about 100 cars! Seriously, who needs 100 cars?

So, i decided to purge a few, but call me crazy, i found it quite hard to pick out the ones i actually would throw! ha!! So, i finally decided, i'll throw out the ones that are plastic and NOT Hot Wheels or Matchbox!! I managed to get rid of about 20 cars! :) I think they still have enough variety to form a parking lot!!

A nice little parking lot

I kept most that were of different type of vehicles


Sabrina said...

Damith says you should have let the boys purge!

Siew Gin Mills said...

Yeah, then we'd still have 100+ cars.. besides, they don't know they have 20 cars less now!